Monday, September 10, 2012

6th day

Today was the 6th day. Let me tell you, it is getting easier. I know that if I can make it through this week, I only have one week left. HECK YES! I'm staying motivated and my co-workers have been awesome. 

This morning was really hard to eat. Just thinking about the food made me want to gag. Not because its not good, but because I had to eat with someone else was picking out for me. Luckly, after work I went to pick up more food for the next few days. Hopefully I'll get through it. This morning, I had lean ground turkey, rice and egg whites topped with pico and a little bit of cheese. Really good, not for me. 

I was out on the road pretty much all day so I had my cookie for my first snack. OOPPS! :) It was so much better then the peanut butter cookie. I love these, they're awesome for your cravings.

For lunch, we stopped at the Fit Foods in North Dallas. I had the chicken buffalo wrap again. Amazing, just like the first time I had it. The workers up there are great too. They remembered me and were so nice. 

For my afternoon snack, I had the chicken fruit bowl again. Just like yesterday, I didn't eat the chicken. Theres too much chicken for me. 

This was a new dinner I had. It was shrimp and scallops on a bed of cucumber salad? and some kind of sauce. It was so good. I definitely made the day better because I didn't want to gag when I ate it. 

I also went to the gym tonight and do my 30 minutes of cardio and weights. And I get to enjoy my vanilla protein shake.

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